Update On Our Status

Hello everyone!

Thanks for continuing to follow us on this journey. We are still listening to the Father and allowing our plans to align with His. Things are flowing quickly and changing fast. I wrote some of this this morning and sent it to Earlene to review and then the facts on the ground changed. God is good!

From this morning

A quick update on where we are at.

We are still in Missouri at Earlene’s parents house. We haven’t yet been able to jump a plane to Israel as we had planned on September 1st. Our flight is now tentatively scheduled for the 8th.

We have some folks helping us with getting to Israel and the paperwork is now going through the official channels. All we can do now is wait and pray.

Our prayer for months now has been that God would open the borders of His Land to us and to continue revealing what His purposes are. We would love for you to pray on this with us as we petition the courts of Heaven to open the Land in spite of the current limitations on travel around the world.

As we learn more, we will update you. We are keenly aware of the timing and how things may be playing out so it will be interesting to see what HaShem reveals in the coming days and weeks. To that end we do have more posts coming as each of us cogitates on what He has been doing in each of us individually and as a couple.

From this afternoon

Our visas have been approved. Part of the process requires that we have an in-person meeting with a consulate which means we need to get to one. We’re planning to go to the Houston consulate (with tentative plans to leave tomorrow), but we want to talk with them first to confirm they can meet with us Friday.

We’re trying to lay some immediate ground work for that road trip (maybe an air trip, but that’s pricey with such short notice) so it will be a whirlwind of a weekend as we travel to Texas and back before our flight on Tuesday.

As I said, facts on the ground are changing fast so this is the update as of 4:00 central time. Only God knows what will change in the near future and how He will continue to pull everything together.

Continue praying with us! Also, don’t forget to keep us looped into your lives so we know how to pray for you all.