Timing of Resignations

Now that we are in Israel, we are going to go back and add a few more details which we haven’t had time to do previously.

Once we had heard the word and realized that the pieces were falling into place, we started discussing the timing and when to resign from our jobs. Some of our trusted friends and counselors advised us to give the required two weeks’ notice and no more. Aaron and I both have jobs that allow for the employer to ask us to leave as soon as we give our notice. For our budget, we knew that staying employed through August 15th would be best due to many reasons:

  • Our apartment lease at nearly $1,700/month was through the end of July
  • We would need time to wrap up our tasks and allow our employers to find a replacement to keep our teams up and running
  • We did not want to be sitting around in Denver just waiting for our apartment lease to be over and not have any money coming in for our trip or moving expenses
  • We wanted our trip to Israel to last through the fall festivals, so leaving earlier in the year was not our preference

We want to make it clear that, although we knew HaShem would provide a way for us to get to Israel – with or without the funding in place – we also strongly felt that this was to be a sacrifice for us and that we were not to ask others to fund this trip for us. As such, we developed a budget and decided that anything we received from others would not pay for the trip or for moving, but would go directly to Israel and supporting a ministry and/or specific people with need in the Land.

We decided that we would give our employers six weeks’ notice and allow Him to guide the direction of our path based upon the reaction of our employers. If they decided that we should leave the same day we gave notice, then we would count it a blessing in being given more time to prepare for our move and more time to spend with our family and friends in Colorado. If we were kept onboard, we would count it as a blessing that He still had purpose for us at our respective places of employment and we would leave them in the best place possible on August 15th. Therefore, we went forward in the year with the plan to turn in our notices on July 6th. Then, COVID…

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