
Scripture has Biblical subdivisions within the text that you likely don’t know are there. It is not a subdivision that is marked by chapters and verses, nor is it a division that is highlighted by the big bold letters that you probably see at the top of a major story in your Bible. There actually is a Biblical division of the Bible. It’s not as apparent to you and I, but God sees it.

God often speaks of it when He specifies something like Genesis 26:5 where HaShem says of Abraham that he “obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” Each of these words are a God ordained subdivision of Scripture. Each word carries tremendous meaning and purpose and shouldn’t be neglected in deep study. Those aren’t all of them either, there’s several more. The one that the Father has been speaking to me about recently is “testimonies.”

Over the past 5 years, He has often pulled me into the Hebrew word and taught me the deeper context through that. Recently, He’s been taking a different tactic with me and He’s been speaking to me through this English translation of testimony. I’ve never sat and dwelt on it before, but it actually carries some deep context. Usually I’m irritated and frustrated by English in that it’s just too shallow to convey the full meaning of what Hebrew is saying to us. It lacks the depth and purpose required to convey God’s full message. The example I often use is the word “shalom” which English usually translates as “peace.” Peace conveys such a small message compared to the word shalom. A person would likely need to write a book to convey the full message that inhabits this single word because it speaks of a fullness of life that is given by the Father in a way that “peace” simply doesn’t accomplish.

Testimony, however, seems to be different; at least for me over this short time that the Father has been bringing my attention to it. This word carries with it some deeply profound legal context, but a lot of faith context as well. As I think through how to explain this, I realize this post could easily expand into a series by itself, if not an entire book. In short form, I understand in the grand scheme of things that God Himself is on trial in the Heavenly Court. Long ago the accuser (satan) accused God of being an overbearing dictator and now we’re in an elongated court case where the testimonies are being given by the various witnesses.

Now I realize that these are deep concepts that could no doubt lead to many hours of discussion as we all try to piece together the mysteries of God, so I’ll leave that for another time. What He’s really been showing me recently is how our testimony (yours, ours and every other person on the planet) tie into this concept. It’s really super fascinating, beautiful and all-too-often tear jerking.

During our time here in Israel, we have had the opportunity to meet no less than 50 people. (I think HaShem is stirring a blog post in Earlene’s heart on this…but maybe I’m wrong.)  For many of them we’ve had the opportunity to sit over meals or coffee and really get to know them. There’s a common theme that seems to drop constantly. It’s a common phrase that I personally have never noticed, but I now realize we need a lot more of.

“I want to hear your testimony

It is constant. I didn’t hear it in this way initially, but over our weeks of being here, I realize just how important this is. Put this in synonymous form. “Tell me your attestation” – “tell me your evidence” – “tell me your proof.” Google “synonyms for testimony” and there’s likely a dozen more legal terms wrapped up in this. It’s replete with legality. Heavenly legality.

Perhaps you are beginning to see where I’m going? I’m still not confident I can put into words what’s in my heart on this topic.

Biblically speaking “every matter is proven by the testimony of one or two witnesses.” The more we listen to others stories the more we hear testimony to God’s existence and His faithfulness to those that follow Him.

In Scripture we get a view of hundreds of men and women who are each deeply flawed humans. Each of them falls prey to their own snares in life whether murder, theft, idolatry, false doctrine and more. Yet each of their lives are spread across the pages of Scripture for you to see all their proverbial dirty laundry. They don’t get to hide the embarrassing parts. They don’t get to share only the success stories. You see it all.

During our time here and the various testimonies we’ve heard, we see the very same phenomenon lived out in modern day. Each of the people have told us of their emotional roller coasters, their falling into evil ways, their repentance and discovery of The Way, The Truth and The Life. Each story seems more random and difficult to believe because the stories are just so astonishing. If you walk away and don’t see the hand of God reaching into these individual lives, you are willfully being blind.

In the American church that I’ve experienced, there’s not enough of this. Each of these testimonies are not just a fantastic life story, they’re evidence. They aren’t just going to be evidence used in the High Court of Heaven either! Each of these testimonies should be regularly shared over a meal, coffee or email. These testimonies build each other’s faith.

If I were to meet a random person on the street and hear any one of the testimonies that I’ve heard in the last few weeks, I would walk away and say “that person is a bit off their rocker, stay clear.” But if you put them all together you walk away with two choices. Either all of these random people, who don’t know each other are a bunch of liars and crack pots about their life story or they are testifying to a living God. A God who is not just active and pushing this world toward the Kingdom of Heaven, but a Master that is intimately involved in your personal story.

I remember about six years ago when we were trying to start a church with a group of folks. Each of us were given the opportunity to share our story. I recall myself saying something about how vanilla my life had been and my story wasn’t actually that fascinating to share though I don’t remember my exact phrasing. I wasn’t very polished at sharing my story (and I’m still not) because I am not accustomed to talking about myself that much. I want to hear other people’s stories, not tell my own. Nevertheless, I finally shared mine after avoiding it as long as possible. I don’t really remember what I said, but a response that one of others said afterword sticks out pretty clearly even now – she said “that’s a really great testimony.” At the time I thought it was strange and *only* since being here has that come back to mind. It’s strange how HaShem uses random memories as a teaching moment.

Since that time Earlene and I have been on such a wild ride in our walk of faith and I think we’re both gaining confidence in telling that testimony when we’re asked. Our day-to-day lives are rather boring, but over the period of time it’s a fantastic story of how God has taken us to another level in this journey. Why shouldn’t we share that when people ask?

For myself, I’m realizing how much it’s actually a boost to my own faith hearing others share theirs. It’s a continuing lesson for me and it’s something I know HaShem still has some more details to share on, but testimonies are important. Not only are you testifying in the Heavenly Court when you share your life story and walk of faith, but you’re also boosting the next person to help them maintain their faith as well and even helping to bring those who doubt into the Kingdom.

The big lesson for me here is don’t hold back asking people for their testimony and sharing your own. By sharing with each other, you are building each other up through your own experiences. It is a bit addicting though. Who can I have coffee with next to hear their story? Or who can I share a meal with again to hear the next “episode” in their unfolding journey? More and more I realize this simple truth – I want to hear your personal testimony. Anything and everything that you’re willing to share.

2 Replies to “Testimonies”

  1. Wow! I was much older than when I began to realize how important testimony is! Each person has had such a different journey than anyone else and imagine when we’re in Heaven speaking and hearing all that God has done on earth. This only proves to me we will never know all the amazing aspects of Who God is! And that there truly is nothing impossible for Him!

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