“Sukkot 2020”

I told you in our “Quarantine” post about the timing of how we will be coming out of quarantine around the High Holidays. It’s a fantastic timing that God has been working on for much longer than we realize.

We were told by Millie about the word for transition in 2020, and about our journey to Israel being part of that, sometime back in October or November. Earlene and I were specifically told to “test” the word that was given to us, but we weren’t sure how. One of the most challenging things in a life of faith is figuring out how to test something. All of Scripture holds a convicting message for each of us, but sometimes it doesn’t seem to help when trying to test someone’s word. Especially when it’s spoken directly to us and it’s personally for us.

How do you test a word like that?

If you have suggestions on how to do that, I would love to hear your thoughts.

We have been working on this plan for most of a year now and even now we need to continually test what we’re doing against the Father’s will and His desire for us. Our desires creep in there to override His all too easy so that is a challenge in itself!

Now that we’re in Israel it seems appropriate to share one of the strongest confirmations that we received – once we remembered it. Even though we received the initial word from Millie in 2019, one of our confirmations happened straight from my own mouth back in 2017.

After several months of planning, one of our dear friends Larry* reminded me of the words I spoke after our first trip to Israel. When we got back from that trip, I walked into our congregation on Saturday morning smiling from ear to ear after the experience and I said “Sukkot 2020.” Those were among the first words I spoke that Sabbath after we returned in 2017. I had a goal to make pilgrimage to Israel for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) during 2020.

As time passed those words faded in memory and that goal became a faint dream. For a short time, we were trying to plan that trip in 2019, but it didn’t work out for various reasons. God, it seems, was holding me to my word – Sukkot 2020.

It’s hard to express how baffling it was to remember that, and how encouraging it is to know that I had spoken those words in 2017 and they “coincidentally” seem to be falling in place for 2020. We were not purposely planning to meet that goal, but God seems to be orchestrating events and playing His galactic chessboard so our goal may come to fruition.

For us, this was one of the many major confirmations we received when planning this trip.

As with everything, there’s an important lesson in this. A long-forgotten word we speak, may not be so forgotten by the Creator of the Universe. Who else could orchestrate such a perfect timeline? 

It is interesting, however, to see how it’s still coming together. Just today as I’m writing this Earlene ran across an article that makes it appear that Israel will go into lockdown for the High Holidays. I have no idea what this means and how it will affect what we perceive as the plan, but I’m confident HaShem isn’t surprised in the least at how things are playing out.

I hope this testimony shows you that God hears your heart. Speak to Him of your desires and share those desires with the Body of Messiah. It may not happen as you expect, but He seems to completely faithful to follow through. That said, I would recommend that you write these things down. Maybe keep a prayer journal or some other record. This was almost forgotten and that would have been a great loss to our own testimony of God’s faithfulness.

What are your long-term desires? Can we join you in presenting those before our King?

As a bit of a side note, know that Israel is hurting. She is yearning for the Believer to brighten Her doorways again and for the joyous sounds of the multitudes worshiping our King. For those of you that don’t know this is a season of the greatest tourism spike each year. Millions and millions of Jews and Gentiles make the trip each year to come up to the Holy Mountain of God to celebrate the feast of Sukkot. For the Jew this is mandated in the Torah (the books of Moses). For the Gentile Believers this is in response to verses such as Zechariah 14:16 that clearly says we will all make the pilgrimage to Zion for Sukkot. Pray for the Land of Israel and pray that Her borders may be opened so that the worshippers of God Most High may come in and draw near according to His Word.

In this strange year of COVID-19, no one has any idea what the next day will bring. Except our great King and Bridge Groom. I’m praying that we will be welcome to travel to Jerusalem in the coming weeks, but only God will make that possible. Regardless, we are in Israel for “Sukkot 2020” – who else but God Himself could orchestrate such perfect timing?

*I wanted to put a note that I *think* it was Larry. Sorry if I’m assigning credit for that to the wrong person. It may have been any of 4 people I shared this word with.

8 Replies to ““Sukkot 2020””

  1. Reading your blog brought such great memories of the times I’ve been blessed to be in the Land, especially at the fall feasts. In 2015, I was there on Sukkot for the last of the tetrad blood moons. There were believers from all nations on the Mount of Olives as the blood moon settled over Jerusalem! Everyone was dancing, singing blowing shofars. A number of different languages were being spoken. It was amazing! Now, I understand that ADONAI had made a divine appointment for me to meet Him there since I was a little girl. That’s the only way to explain the miracle of a little girl from the ghetto standing on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem at such a historic and jubilant night! Praise Him and enjoy! Love you both! I can hardly wait to hear more!

  2. Love hearing how God divinely brought you guys to Israel and will pray you will be able to go to Yerushalayim the City of The Great King for Sukkot. Since you asked about praying for our prayer requests. Would you mind standing in agreement for the Lord to bring the finances to help me finish the Why Stand With Israel Film He gave me? I’ve been working on it for almost 5 years now and really want to finish it by the end of the year! I sense He does too and what I’m hearing from others is that He is going to do that! Trusting & Believing in Yeshua’s Name!

    1. Amen to that brother! We will definitely add that to our list for our King to hear from our lips. I continue to be excited to see the film once it’s finished!

      1. Thanks Aaron! Truly appreciate it and look forward to showing it to you when it’s done! Blessings to you and Earlene!

  3. Hi Aaron, great word and encouragement! Praying regularly for you guys! As you wanted to get feedback in regards to what to do when someone has a “word” or sense from the Lord. What I’ve found as a way to test is: receive it and if something in it ‘resonates’ with your spirit, give it back to the Lord for Him to confirm. Continue to seek Him and and the Word. First of all, does it agree with His word, is it consistent with His character as revealed in the Word? Do you have “Shalom” about it? Peace isn’t the final test of course because people can be at “peace” over their sin and flesh! Also, submit the word to trusted spiritual leaders and ask them to join with you in seeking confirmation. Also,Test your motives. Is this about “my desires” or is it consistent with God’s purposes in earth. Does the “word” draw me closer to Him? Does it keep coming back to me? One of the last things we want to do is ask yourself do I have the resources and finances. Finally, the faith factor has to kick in because He will always show us something that is too big for us to accomplish! Love you bro, that’s all the “wisdom” I have for today!

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