
The circuitous route which God has led me on offers me a view into social circles I would not otherwise have. These circles consist of both faith and secular groups. Some faith groups are faith-based “in name only” and some groups I count among the most devoted followers of Yeshua on the planet. The secular groups span a similar spectrum going from loosely moral to more rigid in their morality. It’s quite the eclectic bunch! 

Most of these social circles only manage to intersect via social media and the majority of these circles I no longer take an active role in, but I still pay attention. While I have many reasons to deeply despise social media, it has the benefit of offering a view into the various parts of the world I would otherwise not have. Why does that matter though? 

I pay attention to the world around me, but I try to do so with a very specific order of influence and order of authority. I read the articles that are sent through various blogs, I read from a variety of news sources, and I observe the attitudes of people in my midst. If I get consumed with it all, I end up with a mess of knotted up information and pointless opinions. However, if I step back and try to take it all in at a bird’s eye view the picture becomes instantly clearer.  

From the high level view it would seem the world is on the precipice of its next Great Leap Forward. Evidently those three words mean something to more people than just me, because my spell check capitalized them for me without even asking.  

If you haven’t noticed the division between people, between people groups and even within nations, you aren’t paying attention. History speaks toward what we’re seeing, and I wager we are at a very uncomfortable point in the historical cycle of time. Whenever you see this level of division and baseless hatred (yes, even from you toward those you don’t like) history suggests that short term, we’re in for a real nightmare. Long term though – we are in for a real treat!  

History repeats itself often.  

You can often follow the headlines of the news from week to week by reading the pages of Scripture. No, I’m not exaggerating. Last year, I read a news story about locust swarms in Africa with a really curious quote from a man living in the midst of it. He said “even the cows are confused.” Have you read Joel 1:18 recently? I mean – right off the pages of Scripture!! In December, I read of a politician speak with three ominous words that most every Believer in Yeshua recognizes. Speaking of coercing people to follow the expected behavior he used the words “buy, sell, and trade” in terms of government limiting the abilities of those who do not comply. 

Coincidence? Only if you’re willfully blind.  

Sometimes it’s blatant as though God gives you the words right out of the mouth of those speaking them. Other times, it’s more subtle and you won’t see a direct quote, but the repetition of history is still apparent in daily life. God knows the evil plans of mankind and in the end He wins and the forces of evil lose. Every. Single. Time. This time will be no different. 

For the last several years we have been following the Torah cycle. We read a weekly portion of the first five books of Scripture, study it, talk about it, dwell on it – and we strive to live by it (often failing). When we get to the end of the five books, we start over again. It’s invigorating in a dozen different ways.  

That’s not so crazy I guess. It does get more crazy though. It took a couple of years to see it, but eventually it became apparent. As the Torah cycle begins again, so does the news cycle. Maybe not with the exact names, or the exact location. I would struggle to say the dates don’t align because they usually do. It’s crazy to think it, but pay attention long enough and it’s quite apparent.  

Coincidence? Maybe the first time. Every year? Yeah, there’s something deeper at work. It’s really quite fascinating to watch how it unfolds from year to year. You may not catch the exact event in the news that aligns with your portion one week, but then the next week you pick it up with the next news story. For those of you that join us in the Torah cycle I’d be curious to see how many of you have noticed this phenomenon?  

While observing a variety of news sources and social circles I often see some people frantically preparing for the next great event of history. Others appear to meander through life partaking of every distraction they can experience because life is “too stressful.” Then there are some that dissect the words of each news channel to decide how they should live their lives and get angry when a news anchor doesn’t align with their worldview and political opinion.  

Take a moment to consider. In the face of history unfolding around us, how do you tend to respond? Are your actions “reactionary” or “intentional”? 

Although I sometimes catch myself reacting in a negative way, I strive to take a different view. I look at what is happening from a Scriptural viewpoint through the weekly Torah portion. It makes the hair on my neck stand up at times – but it works. 

Take this week’s Torah portion for example. This week we’re in Tetzaveh which is from Exodus 27:20-30:10. This portion is all about Moses listening as God is describing the intricate details of the priestly garments, the consecration of the priesthood and the incense alter. It’s a lot of fun to study once you really dig into it. Moses is getting ready to set up the Tabernacle of God so He can dwell with His people.  

Now put that into terms of our current existence. Are you sitting on the proverbial Mount of God receiving instructions for building a house of worship? Or is your heart stirring with the masses below preparing for outright rebellion against God? In reality, these are your two options. There is no middle ground. 

If you fall in the place of preparing for what is to come, I would ask if you are a prepper out of fear or if you are preparing for the building of the Kingdom of God? These two things are quite different.  

If you are the news junky – are you watching in order to build your own worldview and complain about your political adversaries?  Or are you observing the patterns of history and striving to hear from HaShem about your current assignment? I struggle to see a middle ground on this point as well.  

The signs of the times point to a precipice. When the entire world is divided, we can see ourselves approaching a time where the Messiah will speak the words of Moses and ask “who is on the Lord’s side.”  That is next week’s portion.  How will that play out on the pages of history I wonder? 

As you pore over the news stories, stay curious not presumptive. There’s a comical story in 2nd Kings 6 where the King of Aram thinks he has a traitor in his midst because his plans are always foiled. Will you be reading headlines in the news that come straight from the pages of Scripture? I would argue yes. Just pay attention.  

What hour are we in? Are we standing on the precipice of the next leap forward in history? Is it simply our generation’s era of war or are we at the end of the sixth day? The sunset of this day will ring in the Sabbath day – the return of the Messiah and the establishment of His Kingdom in Jerusalem. It’s always hard to go into a season of darkness. Most of those living have not experienced that darkness yet, but I have little doubt that it is coming. We are at a season when the love of many has grown cold. Warm your heart and stand with the Creator. He will win in the end – whether this is just another battle or the conclusion of the war.  

Bo Yeshua