Stops and Stations

There’s a tidbit in Scripture that has become exceptionally relevant in my heart over the past few weeks and months. Only in hindsight have I realized that this section has been relevant over the last few years. Most of us who have read this section just skip over it thinking it’s no longer relevant to our daily lives, similar to the genealogies. However, when we slow down enough to read and consider it, there are some great life lessons in these passages we have ignored.

In this instance I’m referencing Numbers 33 when Moses recounts the stops and stations of Israel while they wandered through the desert. Believe it or not, this chapter is important to you personally.

One of the things we are too often taught in Christianity is that the “Old Testament” is just historical background to the more important and relevant “New Testament.” In my own journey, I’ve discovered that these older writings are still applicable to our daily life and are expected to be influential in the way we live.

In Numbers 33 it is possible to review your life journey by understanding these different stops along the way. It takes brutal honesty with yourself along with an understanding that the waypoints in your mind may be different than what God sees, but the similarities are there. Reviewing Numbers 33 alongside the route of your own path will inform you of your walk with God in a different way. You will see when you were carried through difficult times and when you were rebellious and whiny over ridiculous circumstances. Perhaps, God will even give you a glimpse of where you are now.

Recently, Earlene and I have been in a season of temporary stops and stations along our journey. We’ve been learning and relearning many things about our faith over the last several years and it has been a challenging road. We recognize now that HaShem blessed us to travel this road side-by-side; many couples we know had to start alone until they found their spouse at some cross road.

It’s fascinating to line up life’s path with the stops and stations already mentioned. In Numbers 9:22 it references “whether for two days or a month or a year, while the cloud remained over the Tabernacle, Israel remained camped and would not set out.” In many respects, this has been our life. 

After the first few years of our marriage we sold our home with a certain goal in mind and we had expectations that it would only be a year or two until we bought another house in south Denver. It is obvious God had different plans.

After selling our home we’ve now been in two consecutive two year stops in different homes that we’re renting. This year we have managed to live in three places so far with what I perceive as four stations! And we pray that we are not done yet – begging for at least two more stations before the year is out.

We’ve been living in a townhouse in Southwest Denver for two years and we likely would have stayed there if not for His sign that it was time to move. Over the July 4th weekend we packed up most of our belongings and moved them to Missouri and then we continued living in our Denver townhouse for another 6 weeks. While that was the same home, it was apparent to me that it was a new station. We were living in very different conditions as we were sleeping on an air mattress and had almost no furniture to speak of. It was a challenging time of transition, but also a time of blessing and review.

Our other stops this year have revealed some repetition of history for each of us. I often say “history repeats.” For me, we got to live in my father’s house for two weeks before leaving Colorado. For Earlene, we are currently living with her parents for a time before leaving for Israel. In the process, one lives through a repetition of history while the other is experiencing something new. Only now as I type this, I can recall some of the repetitive history my father experienced – how deep does that rabbit hole go? It’s weird to say the least, but it’s also an absolute blessing.

HaShem (God) has a great many ways to attract our attention to His plans. If we will but slow down and appreciate the stops, He shows His desire to teach us every step of the way. However, when we hear the trumpet’s blast, we need to be ready to uproot and move to the next station. As we are currently learning, another lesson along with this is that the next stop may not quite be what you expect.


Timing was a very early decision point as that played a significant role in our planning. Personally, it would have been nice to immediately drop life where it was and abscond to Israel without a second thought. In reality though, there’s so much more to consider. As we moved forward timing proved to be crucial – in more ways than one.

Earlene’s entire work calendar existed around two main events – budget and audit. To abandon her team at the wrong time would have been disastrous for them. If we moved too early, her coworkers wouldn’t be prepared or trained to take over as needed. If we left too late, she would be fully entrenched in the next cycle and her team would still be in a bad position. It’s never easy to leave your team of 12 years, but it is possible to optimize the timing and minimize impact on your team.

If hindsight and questionable memory has anything to say about it, easing the burden on our work teams was chief among our considerations. We have also desired to visit Israel during the fall feasts – Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles – so this too also played into our decision making.

We settled on mid to late August for our trip to Israel. We planned to move to Missouri at the end of July, spend a couple of weeks in preparation and then we would head out for Israel. We had tentative plans for Israel that had us getting there in late August so those were the plans we were working with.

Our minds turned to the more intricate details of our timing. As we are renters at the time of this writing, we needed to worry about cutting our lease short and what the financial impact of that would be. We pulled out the lease and started reviewing the fees and penalties that were associated with the early termination. Then we looked at the lease end date to make the calculations.

Our lease expired on July 31st. This was our first “open door” and our first confirmation that we were on the correct path. This was one of those moments where you have those long dramatic movie pauses because it was simply too “coincidental” to be happenstance. It was the first time where it just felt like God was telling us “I have everything covered and taken care of.” It was enough to move us to tears.

Many weeks later our timing shifted slightly when our Israel plans changed. “Our plans” being the key phrase there because our plans were still coming into alignment with God’s chosen path. As of the time of this writing, we are well aware that our timing may still be coming into proper submission and alignment with God’s, but there a few more “coincidences” we plan to share with you. Our date changed to September 1st for a projected embarkation date. Our plane tickets weren’t booked and nothing was officially paid for so our projected date was still moveable.

Hopefully the coming posts will convey clearly a few more moments and “coincidental” events to help you see what we see. The providence of God will never cease to amaze us.

Timing is everything. It wasn’t just about the jobs. God has had a bigger plan all along. Turns out that 2020 was going to be a crazy year. This thing called COVID happened and if you happen to be reading this 20 years in the future it probably didn’t even make the history books. Suffice it to say – a virus shut down the planet.


The last blog left off questioning where to start. It seems like the best place to start is to give you a recounting of where this leg of our journey began and adding in the details as we go.

In October or November of 2019, our Pastor’s wife Millie brought a word to Earlene. It was on her heart to speak it to us for 2020. The word was “transition.” Millie didn’t specify what that transition would look like, but she did tell us that part of that transition was to include 3 months in Israel learning Hebrew. In unique fashion, Millie also added one more bit of detail for us when she said, “I don’t know if this is Millie or if it’s the Lord, so test it.”

What a fascinating word! Transition. It was spoken in late 2019 when life was “normal” and there was little to really make one take notice of world events.

We discussed the word from Millie over the next several days. The questions that came from it were endless and we had to start writing them down just to keep track of all the moving parts. The number of moving parts alone was so daunting and intimidating we probably would have abandoned our plans immediately if we had known what 2020 was going to look like on a worldwide scale.

Through discussion, we determined the only way we knew how to “test” the word was by pursuing it. God is *really* good at closing doors in your face if you get off track when you are seeking His will. We chose from the beginning of this to depend heavily on that understanding and we began laying the groundwork for what transition would look like with the expectation of obvious open and closed doors.

Transition has been on our minds for several years. There hasn’t really been “meat on the bones” of that yearning, but we’ve had the desire nonetheless. For the most part, that desire was to leave Colorado or at least, leave the big city. Earlene is from Missouri, so most discussions over the past few years have been focused on moving there or at least in that direction. When we began laying plans for our 2020 transition, Missouri simply fit into the plan.

Every step of the way things have felt easy. Even in the face of a world pandemic and society losing its mind, our plans have never felt shaken. We told Earlene’s family in December about our plans and they all offered immediate support to our plans, especially Earlene’s parents.

From the first discussion and on through the planning everything came into alignment. We had folks offer to help us pay for the time in Israel even without our asking. We had monetary success and educational success on our side. Every apparent obstacle just seemed to move aside and welcome us on our journey.

A Journey Begins…

This is the first post in what we hope will be a lengthy series as we chronicle Our Journey – His Path. While neither of us really know what this journey will look like, we look to the East in unison with expectant hearts.

The accounts that will follow will have two purposes:

The first being a journal for ourselves so we will have the recorded journeys that HaShem (God) takes us through to serve as a testimony to ourselves when we run into difficult times. Our Master is a faithful God and He’s been diligent at showing His strength in our lives even when we run into times of doubt. If you ever wonder why we’re recording details that mean little in your eyes, just know, some of this is for us!

The second purpose of this blog is to share this journey with you and anyone that chooses to follow along. Before setting out from Colorado we had many people ask us to keep them informed of where HaShem leads us. For all of you we are striving to keep you informed. 

Why a blog on our own website? Because we have several friends and family that don’t do the social media thing. It’s just easier this way.

Where does this journey lead? Ultimately, into the Kingdom of Heaven. But the interim stops and stations are anyone’s guess. There are hints though – there are shadows of the past that repeat in each of our lives. God has proven that again and again to both of us while we’ve been preparing to set out on the next step of our journey.

The ideas of what this blog will look like are still developing. We have several ideas though that we are prayerfully envisioning. Please bear with us as we learn our way through this vision. 

So where to start?