Timing of Resignations

Now that we are in Israel, we are going to go back and add a few more details which we haven’t had time to do previously.

Once we had heard the word and realized that the pieces were falling into place, we started discussing the timing and when to resign from our jobs. Some of our trusted friends and counselors advised us to give the required two weeks’ notice and no more. Aaron and I both have jobs that allow for the employer to ask us to leave as soon as we give our notice. For our budget, we knew that staying employed through August 15th would be best due to many reasons:

  • Our apartment lease at nearly $1,700/month was through the end of July
  • We would need time to wrap up our tasks and allow our employers to find a replacement to keep our teams up and running
  • We did not want to be sitting around in Denver just waiting for our apartment lease to be over and not have any money coming in for our trip or moving expenses
  • We wanted our trip to Israel to last through the fall festivals, so leaving earlier in the year was not our preference

We want to make it clear that, although we knew HaShem would provide a way for us to get to Israel – with or without the funding in place – we also strongly felt that this was to be a sacrifice for us and that we were not to ask others to fund this trip for us. As such, we developed a budget and decided that anything we received from others would not pay for the trip or for moving, but would go directly to Israel and supporting a ministry and/or specific people with need in the Land.

We decided that we would give our employers six weeks’ notice and allow Him to guide the direction of our path based upon the reaction of our employers. If they decided that we should leave the same day we gave notice, then we would count it a blessing in being given more time to prepare for our move and more time to spend with our family and friends in Colorado. If we were kept onboard, we would count it as a blessing that He still had purpose for us at our respective places of employment and we would leave them in the best place possible on August 15th. Therefore, we went forward in the year with the plan to turn in our notices on July 6th. Then, COVID…


The view outside our window. The Galilee, where Yeshua spent most of His ministry.

We are now in Israel and we have the opportunity to cease from what we’re doing and simply rest for the next two weeks. By government standards this is a “quarantine” to isolate us from others for 14 days to ensure we didn’t contract COVID-19 during our travels. By God’s standards though, I have absolutely no doubt that it has been designed by Him to give us this time to cease from our labors for a time.

For the next two weeks Earlene and I are blessed to be with secluded with each other, but also secluded with God. We’re not sure what the two weeks will look like yet. We will definitely be seeking God’s face and seeking to hear His voice in preparation for the coming weeks and months. No words are sufficient to communicate the mountains He moved to bring us here. No less than a dozen people tried to convince us that we weren’t coming and the entire world went nuts to prove them right. We made it only 1 week later than our initial plans.

What is His purpose in all of this? Why us? This is prayerfully what we will be seeking to understand more over the next 14 days.

One thing is certain. God’s timing is phenomenal and awe inspiring!

During our plane trip I studied this weeks Torah portion which is Nitzavim/Vayelech and reads from Deuteronomy 29:9 through the end of chapter 31. We are growing so near to the end of this year’s Torah cycle and we will emerge from our seclusion during the last standard weekly reading of Ha’azinu. We will be secluded for the Day of Trumpets and Rosh Hoshanah, but we will emerge in time to observe Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) the holiest day on the Biblical calendar and we will be in the Holy Land to do so. There is no coincidence in this and it’s elicits tears in my eyes to see how HaShem has orchestrating things.

If you don’t read the Torah portions and follow that annual journey, I encourage you to take that step. God will fill your cup in a new way and you will no doubt learn a great deal about our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). If you follow along the cycle, never overlook the events in your life as you walk along the path of Torah. It will reveal both world events and personal life testimonies. It’s *so* fascinating to see how God knits it together.

This week we are blessed to enter Israel during a double portion. It’s a week of double blessing as we wade through the words of God and explore His heart for His people. The Torah can be seen as a condensed version of the rest of Scripture. Everything you see in Scripture has its roots in the first five books of the Bible. In another sense you can even lay the first five books out as a timeline of history in the making. Right now, you are venturing through Deuteronomy 30 on the pages of history.

Two weeks ago we read Earlene’s birth portion (the Torah portion that was read the week of her birth) Ki Tetze or “when you go out.” She shared on that already. Last week we studied through the portion Ki Tavo or “when you come in” which spoke about when the people enter the Land of Israel. That was the week we received our visas and official clearance to enter Israel during the COVID lockdowns.

This week we get to study “Standing” where Moses is saying “Today you are standing, all of you, before Adonai your God…” where He lists out that various societal subgroups that were standing in equality before HaShem to accept the covenantal appointment to stand before God and carry out His teachings. Those that stand with Israel are mentioned too as Moses said “your foreigners here with you in your camp.” This is who we are. We are gentile believers who choose to stand with Israel and support her in the call to serve God.

I know a lot of the believing community has been taught a theology that the Jewish people were replaced with the Christian church. That’s not what Scripture actually says though. In Deuteronomy chapter 30 we are told that the Jewish people would be reestablished in their land after “all these things have come upon [them].” This is where you are in history. The ingathering is taking place and the Jewish people are returning home and the rate of ingathering has significantly increased with COVID. The Jewish people are still close to God’s heart and right now is our time to stand with them. It doesn’t end there! In verse 6 we see God promising to circumcise their hearts after the ingathering. That’s New Covenant language – it didn’t start at Matthew! It’s something to take note of.

We are at such a fascinating time in history and Earlene and I get to experience a piece of that while dwelling in the Land for a time. It’s far more exciting than anything I’ve ever experienced. We see only a small amount of the picture, but in that dim view we see that God is softening the hearts of the Jewish people to accept His son Yeshua. The people that welcomed us into the land are part of that remnant that has already accepted their Messiah and for a time we get to be with them working for the Kingdom.

For the next 14 days we will be fervently seeking the face of our Father in Heaven to ask why He moved mountains for us to come here. The world said “no” but God Himself opened that door. For those of you inclined to do so we would ask that you would pray with us to understand His purposes. We also will continue praying for you as well as we’re building our prayer list day by day. Share your hearts with us so we may petition God on your behalf.

There’s something stirring in the realm of faith. Something significant. There’s been prophetic words shared and dozens of people have expressed in our presence that they sense it too. Is it our generation to see the return of Messiah Yeshua or just a time to revive the wayward Bride with repentance? Time will tell. One thing is certain regardless of timing or circumstance returning back to the King of Kings will never be a bad choice. It’s time to return to His words and speak them diligently – “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

We’ve heard a lot about paths. There’s a path right outside our window.

The Whirlwind

Monday, August 31 – According to the original plan, we would be leaving for Israel tomorrow. We have already pushed back our flights by one week, so our new scheduled departure date is Sept 8th. Our volunteer visa information has been sent to Israel. Our contacts think we should be approved within a week. We are praying for the doors to be opened. We get to spend some time tonight with our friends in Marshfield, Missouri for dinner and for some great fellowship.

Wednesday, September 2 approx. 1:00 p.m. – We just received word that our visas have been approved! What a quick turnaround. However, in order to make our flight next Tuesday, we will need to show up in person to an Israel Consulate to pick up our visas and provide more paperwork. The nearest consulate is a twelve hour drive away. The consulate closed for business just 30 minutes ago, so we have to wait until tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. to call and try to get an appointment. Timing is crucial to make our flight. We have to call in and get an appointment before we leave Missouri. Then we have to make the 12 hour drive down to Houston (we’ve already looked into the flights and they are way too expensive at such short notice), get some sleep so we don’t look like crazy people, and get in to the Consulate and approved on the first try within their three hour window for business hours Friday morning. If we are not approved, we will have to move our flight again and likely repeat the trip to Houston within a week. Monday is Labor Day, so an appointment on Monday is a no-go and our flight leaves St Louis Tuesday morning. We are praying fervently for favor and for us to be able to get an appointment Friday morning.

Thursday, September 3 approx. 12:30 p.m. – We have an appointment for tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in Houston. After three dropped calls, we received the answer we have been praying for! The first time we called, they said that the earliest we could get in would be next Wednesday, but that our paperwork would take longer than that to process (normally 30 days!) so we likely wouldn’t be able to get an appointment or approved until mid-September at the earliest. While we were getting more information, the call dropped. When we called back, we were given mercy we don’t deserve and the gate keeping us out has been opened! We have an appointment for tomorrow! We were given more paperwork to complete so that the consulate can work on our approvals today and we will be given an appointment tomorrow to provide more documentation. We are packing the car and leaving Missouri now since we have a twelve hour drive that we need to complete and still get some decent sleep before tomorrow morning!

Friday, September 4 approx. 1:30 a.m. – We have checked in to the hotel just two blocks from the consulate. We arrived in Houston with no problems and the car trip was smooth sailing. We have been blessed that there is a hotel with an open room, within walking distance of the Consulate and there’s a Starbucks en route! Ha!

Friday, September 4 approx. 9:30 a.m. – We have arrived at the Consulate, checked in and are now waiting to see if we can get in today. Our names are not on the list.

Friday, September 4 approx. 10:00 a.m. – We have been called up for an appointment. While we are waiting, the family in front of us in line (who have been here for 30 minutes already) start to tell us that this is their second trip to the consulate with paperwork to send their son to school in Israel. Their first trip, they brought all the documentation that it said they needed and were sent back home to Dallas for more. That was after waiting weeks for their visa to be approved. I’m getting a bit nervous about our chances, but still praying for favor and for His will to shine through.

Friday, September 4 approx. 10:45 a.m. – It’s our turn! They have our paperwork and are reviewing it! We are waiting. The previous family was told to leave the premises for an hour while the consulate does some more research into their matter. Another family has been brought in while we wait.

Friday, September 4 approx. 11:00 a.m. – We are approved! After a small snafu with Aaron’s documented approval to fly (they accidentally printed the first copy with the wrong name on it!) we have been approved and are leaving the embassy. Headed back to the hotel to grab our car and our things and then off to Dallas for the evening. Why Dallas?!? Because that’s where Brenda and Isaac (Aaron’s younger brother) live with their two little girls, so since it’s only four hours away and it is mostly “on the way” we are going to stop by their place to see them. We haven’t seen them in over a year and had thought that a trip to see them was out of the realm of possibilities. Know what else is awesomely planned? Aaron’s dad just happens to be in Dallas visiting them right now too. Know what else is cool? He didn’t know he was going to be there until Wednesday – the same day we found out that we needed to get to Texas for the weekend. Me thinks Someone has planned the whole thing. We are overjoyed to the point of tears for this immense blessing. He didn’t have to put these last few things in place, but He did. You ready for one last cool thing? It’s Shabbat. And we get to celebrate it with people we figured we wouldn’t see until 2021.

Saturday, September 5 approx. 12:00 p.m. – Now leaving Dallas with full hearts and all the paperwork we need for a flight to Israel on Tuesday. We have an eight hour drive back to Missouri and can start packing Monday for the flight.

Tuesday, September 8 – My mom gave us a ride to the airport 2 hours away, but as He tends to do He already had her scheduled to visit my sister so it was a pre-planned trip for her already. We are now waiting at the gate for our flight from St Louis to Newark and from there to Tel Aviv. More pieces have fallen into place the last couple of days. We have received some questions about how you can get in touch with us while we are in Israel. We will have internet access (it’s not a third world country!) You can reach Aaron at his email aaronrich011@gmail.com and you can reach Earlene at her email at eph41@hotmail.com.

Update On Our Status

Hello everyone!

Thanks for continuing to follow us on this journey. We are still listening to the Father and allowing our plans to align with His. Things are flowing quickly and changing fast. I wrote some of this this morning and sent it to Earlene to review and then the facts on the ground changed. God is good!

From this morning

A quick update on where we are at.

We are still in Missouri at Earlene’s parents house. We haven’t yet been able to jump a plane to Israel as we had planned on September 1st. Our flight is now tentatively scheduled for the 8th.

We have some folks helping us with getting to Israel and the paperwork is now going through the official channels. All we can do now is wait and pray.

Our prayer for months now has been that God would open the borders of His Land to us and to continue revealing what His purposes are. We would love for you to pray on this with us as we petition the courts of Heaven to open the Land in spite of the current limitations on travel around the world.

As we learn more, we will update you. We are keenly aware of the timing and how things may be playing out so it will be interesting to see what HaShem reveals in the coming days and weeks. To that end we do have more posts coming as each of us cogitates on what He has been doing in each of us individually and as a couple.

From this afternoon

Our visas have been approved. Part of the process requires that we have an in-person meeting with a consulate which means we need to get to one. We’re planning to go to the Houston consulate (with tentative plans to leave tomorrow), but we want to talk with them first to confirm they can meet with us Friday.

We’re trying to lay some immediate ground work for that road trip (maybe an air trip, but that’s pricey with such short notice) so it will be a whirlwind of a weekend as we travel to Texas and back before our flight on Tuesday.

As I said, facts on the ground are changing fast so this is the update as of 4:00 central time. Only God knows what will change in the near future and how He will continue to pull everything together.

Continue praying with us! Also, don’t forget to keep us looped into your lives so we know how to pray for you all.

When you go out (Ki Tetze)

If you haven’t yet heard our heart for Israel and our heart for learning more about the so called “Old Testament”, we will now take a quick trip back in time. The year is 2015. It’s a regular old Shabbat (Sabbath) and a guy (who would later become our dear friend) is giving the Torah portion overview. He starts to explain that the particular reading for the week is his “birth portion” and that really piques my interest. He talks about the blessing that his birth portion has been and how we all have a birth portion. I am on the edge of my seat. Lo and behold, you can find your birth portion with a simple internet search. I just can’t wait to find out what amazing message my birth portion will have for me… and before long I discover that my birth portion is Ki Tetze.  I dive right in…

“When you go out to war against your enemies, and Adonai your God hands them over to you…” oh yeah, this is good stuff! God is going to hand my enemies over to me. Not that I have any right now, but this is a good morsel for later.  I continue reading…

“and you take prisoners”… ok, I can kinda see that. I mean, we are fighting a spiritual war, right?

“and you see among the prisoners a woman who looks good to you, and you feel attracted to her and want her as your wife…” Wait a minute…

“you are to bring her home to your house where she will shave her head, cut her fingernails, and remove her prison clothing…” Huh – not what I expected. Well, we are in Deuteronomy and I already knew the whole portion may not apply to me.  Let’s see what else is in here….

“If a man has two wives…” not in my lifetime!

“A woman is not to wear men’s clothing…” does that mean pants?

“When you build a new house, you must build a low wall around your roof…”

And the list goes on…

“You are not to sow two kinds of seed between your rows of vines…” 

“You are not to wear clothing woven with two kinds of thread, wool and linen together…”

“Also, you are to have an area outside the camp to use as a latrine…”

Did you know that there’s a verse in the Torah that prohibits a man with crushed private parts from entering the temple?  Give you one guess as to where that lovely sampling of Torah is located. You got it… my birth portion. 

Someone call the police… I’ve been robbed. This is supposed to be a blessing – something that proves how much God loves me – at the very least I could use a good redemption story in here! Instead, it’s just a list of restrictive and overbearing rules for Israel to follow in their promised land. Nothing in here applies to my life. In fact, I’m quite sure this wasn’t meant for me at all. How could I have been born under this Torah portion? Is this what my life is going to be about – lots of meaningless, old rules? This is the worst Torah portion in the whole of Torah…

And on and on the enemy attacked.  I spent a few years under this fog of severe dislike toward my birth portion. 

I should mention here that it doesn’t shatter my world when things are broken. In fact, since I love a good redemption story, sometimes the part where things are a complete wreck is the best part because it gives you a milestone to look back at and to use for measuring progress. At some point over the past couple of years it occurred to me that, although Adonai is the miracle worker and deserves all the credit in any story of redemption, He often asks someone of faith to put in the grunt work to move the needle. He wants us to be just as invested in and thrilled about the results as He is. He revealed to me that He wants this Torah portion to be redeemed in my eyes. To become valued like a treasure in a field. So, I started to “dig in.” Over the past two years, I have looked forward to studying my birth portion again to see what else there is to discover. The first year, I discovered how this portion relates to Messiah – a message that I had never heard in all my years of attending church. That story will have to wait for another time, though.

This year, as we started scoping out what it would mean to spend a significant amount of time in Israel, we finally settled on a specific date. I decided to look it up and see what Torah portions were lining up with that timeframe, and no one was more surprised than I to see that the portion for the week we would leave is “Ki Tetze” which literally means “when you go out” and the portion for the week we would arrive is “Ki Tavo” which literally means “when you come in” (and is referencing entering the land of the promise.)

Another amazing piece of Ki Tetze speaks of what you should do when you find something that belongs to your neighbor. You are not to keep it or hide it from them, but rather you are required to restore it back to your neighbor’s possession. A book that I have fallen in love with does a beautiful work in describing how this verse applies to our present situation as the people Adonai loves and how this verse should play out in our lives as we restore Torah to its proper place, restore the Jewish people to their proper place, and where that leaves Gentile believers in the grand plan for Israel and indeed for the whole world. (If you wish to check it out, the book is called Restoration by D. Thomas Lancaster.) Therein lies the point of this portion – and definitely the point of my life and of yours! This portion serves as a handbook for how to funnel Adonai’s love through ourselves and to others.