A Journey Begins…

This is the first post in what we hope will be a lengthy series as we chronicle Our Journey – His Path. While neither of us really know what this journey will look like, we look to the East in unison with expectant hearts.

The accounts that will follow will have two purposes:

The first being a journal for ourselves so we will have the recorded journeys that HaShem (God) takes us through to serve as a testimony to ourselves when we run into difficult times. Our Master is a faithful God and He’s been diligent at showing His strength in our lives even when we run into times of doubt. If you ever wonder why we’re recording details that mean little in your eyes, just know, some of this is for us!

The second purpose of this blog is to share this journey with you and anyone that chooses to follow along. Before setting out from Colorado we had many people ask us to keep them informed of where HaShem leads us. For all of you we are striving to keep you informed. 

Why a blog on our own website? Because we have several friends and family that don’t do the social media thing. It’s just easier this way.

Where does this journey lead? Ultimately, into the Kingdom of Heaven. But the interim stops and stations are anyone’s guess. There are hints though – there are shadows of the past that repeat in each of our lives. God has proven that again and again to both of us while we’ve been preparing to set out on the next step of our journey.

The ideas of what this blog will look like are still developing. We have several ideas though that we are prayerfully envisioning. Please bear with us as we learn our way through this vision. 

So where to start?

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